You are His Masterpiece

 The last thing we need to do is give up on God when things get rough and tough. I know that some of you are thinking, "Well I know this already!"

But not all of us are on the same path and maybe need to hear what I am saying. My prayer is that this post points you in the right direction and that is to the Cross of Jesus Christ.  I know at one point I had to ask myself these tough questions.   I am talking to those who don't know, that satan has lied to and told them that they will never measure up to the the man or woman they should be in Christ Jesus.

The last thing we need to do is turn our back on God and go our own way instead of His.  Why do we do it then? Why do we decide to go it alone?  Why do we put up walls even with God and think we can survive in this world that He created?   We need to depend on Him all the more than ever. 

I don't want to get sucked into the things of the world.  The Word of God says that satan is the god of this world, and sin and strife is running rampant!  Will we give into temptations of this life or tough it out and win the victory?  Only you can answer these very blunt questions posted in this blog post...

We are merely temples that house the Holy Spirit, for that is where our ultimate strength comes from. But we can grieve and vex the Spirit of God from moving in our souls and through our life by willfully sinning against His will for our lives. We can snuff out the fire. I pray that the wind of the Holy Spirit will come forth and fan the embers and rekindle the all-consuming fire that's within you, Do not allow the devil to put out your fire!!!

Our authority is in Jesus Christ and our citizenship is in heaven!  We do still live in the world and we all are struggling to make it in our lives and in our hearts!

      Think a moment about your life and your heart, and if you have allowed Jesus to take complete control of everything your life concerns. Does He matter to you? Are you concerned for your soul?   If it weren't for the Love and grace of God we would all die and go straight to hell!  Where will you spend eternity? Being a Christian doesn't make it easier but it makes it worth it in the end! You still have to learn to trust and depend on Him, maybe when you haven't trusted anyone else!

There are things in this life that happen that cannot be explained. We cant blame God. We have to trust that He knows best, and He does. We can trust Him with our heart and life! Even when things are chaos in our lives!  He is the Alpha and Omega!

     We cannot put God in a box, and just for religious or social sake go to church and act like we have it all together. I don't want to have hypocrisy  in my heart, and make everyone think I am ok all the time.   I'm glad I don't have it all together. My God goes way beyond my life and problems. I give Jesus the victory in my heart and mind and standfirm!   I'm glad my life gets in a mess at times. Because that is not the time to give up on God, or act like things are ok. Its a time to pursue Christ all the more, and yet allow him to live in and through me! "My struggles do not define me, but refine me!"  I'm glad to say that I struggle and do not sit back, not caring about my soul!

      If we are 'not' struggling with areas in our life then something is wrong. Are we settling for second best, and not refusing to fight the fight of faith until the finish? Or, are we surrendering to our sin, and letting the devil win???   Jesus gives us life and direction, we just have to learn and listen! He is our peace that breaks down every wall!  Give Jesus the victory in your life you cannot go wrong!! Keep on keeping on! Don't give up! If you do fall get right back up and keep moving soldier of the Lord's army!!!

Isaiah 64:8
But now, O Lord, You are our Father; We are the clay, and You our potter; And all we are the work of Your hand.

Zechariah 13:9
I will bring the one–third through the fire, Will refine them as silver is refined, And test them as gold is tested. They will call on My name, And I will answer them. I will say, ‘This is My people’; And each one will say, ‘The Lord is my God.’”


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