Getting to know Me (2)

Today is letter B.  It stands for a name that was given to me as a little child. 

Apparently my baby sister was having trouble with saying brother.  She spoke Bubba instead. 

It stuck. So I have two names “Richard” and “Bubba.”  In school I was called Richard but at home they called me Bubba. Most everyone calls me Richard these days except close family members. 

I suppose that if you have called me Richard all this time you will not call me Bubba.  Unless you are accustomed saying that name. I don’t mind that at all.  

I may be from the south and have a southern accent but I am far from being a redneck hillbilly.   I’m just a casual guy from a southern town.  

Some may even wonder if I have a split personality   I can assure I do not have a alter ego!   What you see is what you get.

Actually my birth name was different than the name I have now because when my mom remarried when I was 5 years old I took my stepdad’s last name.   That a whole other story.  

 I don’t think there is a scripture with “Bubba”

In it!  But there is plenty of name changes in the Bible Stories. 

  Abram and Sarah, Jacob in the Old Testament.   And Paul in the New Testament.   Those have significant meanings.   I don’t think my name change was significant.  Only God knows… I pray that He will reveal his reasons for the grand scheme of his plan. 




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