Getting to Know Me Challenge ❤️

I have a quiet soul, but I love my Abba very much. No matter how tattered I am from this life I have lived. 

My love has only grown over time and distance.  I don’t blame God for anything that has happened in my lifetime.  

No one has walked in my shoes.  I cannot understand hatred as a spiritual adult. I know God has a hatred for sin but not for sinners.  He hates no soul. 

I’m sure Jesus even loved Judas…

Saying all this I want to say that it took a long time for me to get to this place.

At one time I know I struggled with self hatred. I didn’t like myself and who I was.  

Mainly from poor decisions I had made in my life. I realized that I cannot go back and change things. I cannot hold resentment or bitterness within my heart. 

I am a forgiving soul and can’t hold grudges like I once did.  

Abba has done a good work in my heart and I’m so glad. 

The Holy Spirit is quick to convict a contrite heart.  He will humble those puffed up with pride.  

Thank you Jesus for dying in our place. Making a way into the very throne room of Abba. Give us your heart.  Help us to draw near with sincere hearts of faith.  Grow us up as spiritual adults that display the fruit of Your Spirit.  And help us to walk on your truth in Jesus name I humbly pray, Amen.  


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