What If?…

 Since the Scriptures say that that the devil is a liar, “What if,” that is the only power he has over us?  A lie is a powerful tool of the enemy to render us doubting God Almighty…The devil can fabricate a pretty believable gigantic story to trigger us into a relapse of some proportion…look at Adam and Eve.  

Think about it…How many times have you got a thought that was false? A thought that was not true.  What you initially thought was as the truth was not even close to it?

And that could be any situation or circumstance the devil always counterfeits the thoughts of Jesus!!  We have to be sober minded. 

The enemy used that tactic to get you thinking of the worst case scenario…and it never happened! How many times have you experienced this instance??

What if the only power he had over you is to lie to you? Don’t get me wrong, he does trip us up with lies!

Most times I admit I fall for his lies and believe them.  I have slept under his guise of paranoia in the night, and believed his lies to be the truth…

He always sets up a huge lie and twists it up into looking like the whole truth and nothing but. Then we buy into it.  

How many times though, have you told him he is a liar and proved him wrong?  He is a great liar and the spirit of all lies!!!

 I believe all our enemy plots and schemes are built on lies!! Not one thing he professes is even close to the truth… He goes all out and makes lies so believable and we fall for it tooth and nail…

You name the scenario. Satan is a great liar. He will pull out all stops holding nothing back. Do you believe him most of the time or not at all?!  

We have to beat him at his own game!! Prove him wrong!!!

For example, say that you get a thought that  makes you think something bad is going to happen tomorrow.  Could be anything. But then it doesn’t happen like you thought it would.  Does that make you doubt or not believe something good is going to happen to you? 

God really does love and want the best for all His children. He wants us to be happy.  He desires us to have a abundant life in His truth and loving kindness.!!!

Don’t wait for the enemy to set his trap, and to get you down…face those fears. A fear is nothing but a false lie! The only way to live in the truth is to aggressively set forth to prove it wrong. If a thought leaves you in doubt or defeat prove that thought to be a lie…

Our enemy which is Satan is our enemy…He is the father of all lies…He lied to Adam and Eve as He also does to you and me. Do not believe every thought that pops in your mind. Take every thought captive and eliminate all lies…

Death and life are in the power of the tongue and those who love it will eat its fruit…In other words whatever you speak out of your mouth becomes life.  We have to be very careful and proceed with caution that we are not caught up in Satan’s web of lies…

You vile liar we rebuke you and bind you in the name of Jesus Christ by the power of the Holy Spirit. You lying spirit we command that you take your thoughts and that they be disintegrated and demolished in the awesome name of Jesus Christ.  Jesus help us to walk in faith and let our thoughts line up with your holy Word.


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