Are you a modern day Pharisee

Do you feel as if you are being religious and not experiencing the anointing of the Holy Spirit?  

Or are you not displaying the fruit but being dutiful on the outside while you are torn up miserably on the inside?

In the Christian context, a modern day “Pharisee” is someone who follows the impulse to be seen as righteous by obeying certain laws, while ignoring more important matters of the heart.

A Pharisee pays a great deal of time and attention to outward ordinances and actions that would make them appear righteous, but they are not as concerned with what is actually in their own hearts…

Jesus referred to the Pharisees as hypocrites because they follow the impulse to be seen as self righteous.  Jesus didn’t like the Pharisees and how they treated other people   He called then out on several occasions…

You see in all honesty being Christ-like is way more than having a religious duty. That’s what we call  Pharisee.  

I don’t know about you but I do not want people to think I’m a hypocrite.   Just honoring Jesus on a Sunday service? And living like a devil the rest of the week? 

It’s also our duty as a believer to deal with our issues in a humble manner getting right before God.

Are you living one way around your church family and then a totally different way when you are around your peers. Jesus doesn’t want us to ride the fence!!

There is no gray area  no place to be lukewarm.   We are to love Jesus all the time not just when it’s convenient!!

Are you a Pharisee?   For nothing is hidden from God…he sees the parts you are trying to hide from others while you are religiously judging others!!!

Jesus help us to be sold out to you!  Extend your grace to us as we yield to you everyday!!  Forgive us for our hypocrisy clean us with your  blood and make us humble before you!! Amen and Amen!!


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