Far More Greater…

 The power of God is far more greater than anything we have experienced in this life.  Yes even greater than depression or disease or death or the world’s self destruction!! 

 It is far more vast and wondrous than everything HE has created.  

What we experience in this life may “seem” bigger. But he is greater than what have even experienced in our lifetime!

We need a deeper revelation of how great God is!  We need a sovereign explosion of His power in our lives to deliver us from all fear!!!  

He has not given us a spirit of fear.   Fear makes us see things bigger than they really are. It makes our molehills into mountains.   

The devil is out to intimidate us to make us afraid of being defeated.   For he is a coward and full of lies. He wants to give us that same perception.   But we should always see things through the eyes of Jesus Christ!!

God is going to test our faith…Do you trust Him to teach you? 

Our great ABBA is always quiet in a test.   The only thing about God being our teacher is that we get many chances to retake the test.   Our goal should be to pass what HE tests us at…no matter what it is…you will come full circle back to that test over and over  until you pass it!!

No matter where we are there will always be opportunities to trust in faith His dynamic power to help us through any times of testing. 

Are you going to quit when the obstacles get tough?  Please don’t give up just because things get difficult…  that’s the test of time… 

you have to see that God’s sovereign plan is more powerful infinite and massive than anything you have ever dreamed and experienced in your eyes.

Jesus open our eyes to see the greatness of your power.   Open the eyes of our heart that we may see things the way you see them.  Amen 


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