Here I Am…

Jesus is knocking at the door of your heart.  He desires to come in and reside in you. For that to happen we have to die to all selfish sin. We have to identify with his death, burial and resurrection in Jesus.  

Jesus is not a dead deity.  He is very much alive today. Only by the power of the Holy Spirit can we be baptized into the very existence of all we are supposed to be in Christ  

Jesus paid for our sins upon that cross.  He was the sacrificial lamb that was slaughtered.  It was not a nice thing. He was beaten beyond recognition. 

He purchased us with his own precious blood. He was substituted into our place upon that cross.  All of our sins He took upon himself.   He completely obliterated our sins when He died such a cruel death upon that tree!

Now we are able to be free of all sin by the atoning work of the precious blood of the lamb.  

Hallelujah the veil has been torn! We can approach God through the power of the Holy Spirit enabling us to stand before  ABBA.  

We have been given the sweet fellowship of His intoxicating presence!  

If you do not have a personal relationship with Jesus I encourage you to open the door of your heart and allow him to come in!  You can trust Him more than anyone else for He will never leave you nor forsake you if you let Him in to your heart.  

Jesus loves you very much. He wants the very best for you.  Yes, He will cleanse your soul with his precious blood and you will be born again into a new life.  


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