A is for Ask

 “And all things you ask in prayer, believing, you shall receive.” Matthew 5:22

If Jesus himself said it why do we doubt our prayers. Sometimes the answer is to wait. 

Praying is asking and bringing our petitions before his throne of grace.  Yes we do not get exactly what we ask when we ask God for something.  Sometimes the answer is “no.”  

Why do we fuss and pout when we do not get the prayer request when we want it to happen.  

We live in a very modern and convenient world and mindset. Our creator is our ABBA who knows what we need when we need it.  

I tell you what….he seems things behind the scenes. If he is making us wait you better believe that the delay is for your own good.   He is our ultimate parent. We can leave our requests with him and he will not delay. Gods timing is different than ours. 

God does not want spoiled brats who think they deserve whatever they ask for.  He loves us with an everlasting love and knows what is for our own good. we think we know what we need. But God who knows the future sees the bigger picture.


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