B is for Bold


Being a strong Christian means taking a fearless stand.  It’s not for cowards who are afraid of their own shadow.  We must face our fears with a holy boldness unctioned by the leading of the Holy Spirit. 

Have you ever felt compelled by the Holy Spirit to make a wrong right?  Maybe Jesus told you to do something that takes boldness.  The enemy, That ole snake, knows what your afraid of and he taunts you to not go through with what God has spoken to your heart.  He brings out all his artillery to get you to stop you in your tracks to keep you from forging ahead. 

Taking risks is all a part of being a Christian. A big majority of the time we must do the hard things.  Being a strong Christian is not taking the easy street. 

Taking the narrow way takes courage and fearlessness.   

Sometimes we have to take a leap of blind faith that takes leaning all of our weight upon him. For he will never fail you nor abandon you.  You can trust him with all your heart and soul. 

…And when they prayed, the place in which they were gathered together was shaken, and they were filled with the Holy Spirit and continued to speak the word of God with boldness.  Acts 4:31

Dear Jesus, fill us with your Holy Spirit that we may speak your word with courage and boldness.   That we will speak your truth with courage by the power of the Holy Spirit. Amen.


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