H is for Hope

Hope is a feeling of expectation and desire for a certain thing to happen.  We cannot see it, but we can sense it with a knowing that something will happen. It is one of those links that is attached to faith.  We cannot have hope without Faith.

"Now faith is the substance of things hoped for, the evidence of things not seen." Hebrews 11:1

Where would we be without hope?  We have to put our faith in something or someone. Put your hope in Jesus that He will give you the desires of your heart...

Have you lost hope, and where can you find that lost treasure? Consider looking unto Jesus...

Hope is a rare gift, but it can always be found.  It is something that you can reach for...it will never disappoint or fail you.  Abba will never abandon you, you can put your hope in Jesus and trust him!!

You see, hope is one of those invisible traits in faith that inspires us to hold on with all we can. Jeremiah 29:11 says that "the Lord has plans to give you a hope and a future."

We can take the holy scriptures to the bank and cash it in with your whole heart and soul...

When can hope be found?  The very minute you call out to Jesus is releasing hope in Abba. A releasing of that supernatural hope opens the portals of heaven on your behalf.  Then His presence will cover you releasing those supernatural gifts within your spirit

You see Abba is wanting 'your hope' to enter into his very courts in the heavenly sphere. Yes, those heavenly places are open to us as believers...because Jesus is there on his throne.

The enemy uses every tactic and scheme to make you feel defeated and without hope...He knows you will give up when you feel hopeless by not speaking out of your mouth those things that are not...as though they were in existence.  

You can think about God all day long, but when you began to speak hope out of your mouth, then things can begin to change, because when you speak it out then you can see the tangible come forth into existence in the name of Jesus!!

"This hope we have as an anchor for the soul, both sure and steadfast, and which enters the Presence behind the veil," Hebrews 6:19

Dear Jesus, we need this hope, please help us to fix our eyes on your eyes. Then give us the courage to speak it up...releasing those spiritual things we need to make it in this life.  We give our souls to you ABBA. Thank you for sending your son to help me..giving me eternal and everlasting hope and faith and trust...AMEN!!!


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