God in a box?

I believe that at times We can limit God.  For that is like we are putting him in a box. It is as if we are saying to Him, "You can do this but can't do that in my heart..."  and the very fact is we are not thinking outside of the box ourselves.

If we are doing that, we are putting others in a box too.  "What am I talking about," you might be thinking?  For example, you can get impatient and try to control your destiny. You can get ahead of yourself, without consulting Abba God first.

If we are truly a born-again believer, you should be willing to call upon Him and be a doer of the word and not a hearer only.  

You should be seeking to hear His voice, and not going out on our own. Is that not attempting to put GOD in a box? In fact, you are rejecting the hand that formed and fashioned you even within the womb!

Thinking outside of the box means slowing down and waiting on God and not rushing ahead with your plans.  "Are you saying Yes when God has told you No?"   You are grieving the very heart of God when you go ahead with plans without Him

Dear Abba, help me I humbly pray to not put You in a box but help me to keep inside your will. Lead me with your guiding hand.  Speak to our hearts where we have gone astray like the prodigal son, and bring us back into Your will, in Jesus name

Five Minute Friday


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