A Word about Trust...

When we are having thoughts of anxiety and unrest about the future; how we are going to do this or get that is how we define worrying...We have ruminating thoughts in our head, overthinking way too much can make us mentally distraught!!  

Worrying is a big strategy the enemy uses to distract us from level and clear thinking.   Are you triggered to relapse into a sea of worry and doubt? Do you believe GOD will not help you if you ask him?  So, let's get this straight...You don't trust GOD or believe in Him at All? Unbelief and worry go hand in hand for all of us. Even as Christians we are not prone to the tactics of the enemy!

"Does taking things in your own hands work for you??  Worry takes a lot of mental work and robs us of letting go and trusting our heavenly Father

There is absolutely nothing healthy about any kind of worrying. One worry always triggers another worry and before you know it you have spent way too much time ruminating about something you cannot fix on your own!

I was reading an article recently that says worry is a sin and I believe it is.  When we worry, we are not trusting GOD with our life. It went on to say that worry actually hinders the power of GOD from operating in our lives. Unbelief is really faith in what the devil can do rather than having faith in what GOD can do...Think about it!!

We need to daily put our life into the hands of Jesus completely one hundred percent!!!  We should not worry. I know that is easier said than done. You can change the way you think and have power over what you think. 

When you worry, you're taking your life out of His hands.  You might as well just say, "Jesus, I just don't trust you at all."  Do you believe that God will work things out for you in your future or not? The questions here are very simple...You either trust GOD or you DON'T!!!

Let go and let God take control. You can completely trust GOD for what you need.  Look at the Holy Word and see that God does work in the lives of HIS PEOPLE!! 

You have to believe and trust in something or someone, why not JESUS CHRIST!! He will never fail you. Everything and everyone will fail you but not HIM.

Take time to think about what you're thinking about. Do you tend to worry?  What is your biggest worry and why?   

We get in such a hurry and want to run ahead of GOD plans for us.  Most of those times we may our lives worse a mess than they already are!

Its high time to take your life humbly before GOD and tell HIM that you will trust him no matter what. Lay all your worries into His hands. He is waiting for you. Why worry yourself sick? You dont have to be sick like that you know.

To be honest, there are times I get tempted to worry. The devil can really attack us and make us worry with doubt and unbelief.  HE can get to the best of us.

We cannot live in the future and cannot change the past. All we are able to do is be present in His Presence in the present time. HE will take care of the rest if you allow Him too!! In Jesus' name.


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