All things

"And we know that GOD causes all things to work together for the good to those who love GOD, to those who are called according to His purpose."  
Romans 8:28

Notice in this scripture passage, that GOD did not say "some" things. At times some bad things may damper our perspective if we are looking at them all the time. What are the things this verse is talking about? I believe it is talking about all circumstances and situations that rise in our lifetime...

You see, "everything" that happens in your life whether good or bad, may not seem like there are not in conjunction with each other.  In actually, they really are working out for the best; "our best."  

Do you love GOD? If we know Him, we do learn to love him no matter what! and He longs to lavish us with His love!

God wants us to be the best version of ourselves that we can be. Bad things happen in this life that could cause us to sink in depression and despair. Do we keep looking back or do we gain wisdom to make better decisions in the present?  

I can name "some" of those things in my life that I don't understand as well.  Divorce, job loss, death of a friend or loved one, back surgery, to just name "some" of the negative things in my own list. We don't understand why these things happen, but they do. We must go on with our lives and not let these things cause us to miss out. In spite of it all, we must move on the best we can.

I failed to mention the good things. Does it seem that we tend to only see the bad things and not the good things in our life that we should be grateful for, like food on the table and shoes on our feet. The car we drive, or the ability to read and write?

You see "all" these things work in ways we do not see or even comprehend.  It is hard to wrap our minds around these things working together for our good.  

I could look at all the negative things that have happened in my life and miss out on the greatest blessing of all these matter how bad some of them were, God has "worked" good in me as a result.  

My prayer is that GOD gives you the knowledge to know your calling and purpose...according to His purpose, no matter what the "All things" are. Help us stay humble. We give you all the situations and lay them at your feet.  Help us to see the bigger picture here and the ears to hear you speak the truths of this scripture...Amen


  1. I like your point that God doesn't say "some" things work together for good, but "all" things. That is encouraging to remember when we can't see how he is working. Visiting from FMF.

  2. very true that we need to take our lives as a whole and see how it all fits together into what we are becoming. FMF14

  3. Wise words.
    Loved the reminder that "everything" that happens in your life whether good or bad...really are working out for the best."


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