More about RTH...A-Z Challenge

 I am a pretty serene person. I could be related to a nice quiet peaceful pond in the middle of the mountains, if you could picture that. 

I do not like the crashing or splashing waters much like the people in my lifetime...They like to make waves in life. I thrive on a life full of peace and contentment in every situation and circumstance. I have a big tendency to be peacemaker if I am put in the middle of something.  I Know how to keep my shut...

I am not a big debater or elaborate talker; in fact, I tend to avoid conflict at all costs. I am pretty horrible with one-on-one conversations unless its talking about my love for Jesus or praying to my ABBA in heaven. and where He has brought me to this date and time. I am passionate about living my life for Jesus...the best I can I aim to please Him more than anyone else. Other than that im good at small talk.

I guess I always thought I would work in the church someday, even as a pastor... I always have had that hope...but I have yet to see it in my life so far. There have been seasons but nothing permanent has transpired...

I am disabled/retired and a Christian author and writer. I am a simple man who has a heart for GOD.

I like my quiet time with ABBA. He is my shelter and refuge. I am not a very extroverted guy or topic holder, or one who holds a conversation together... I have always been a loner

I just have a newly published book called "Rivers of Grace," and I published my first book in 2018 called "From Recovery to Freedom." My books will never be top sellers, I am sure.  But it is a way to put my hearts passion into this world. I have a heart to minister to encourage other struggling Believers.

I don't hold onto the past. It has been full of pain at times. I choose to let it go and forgive the best I can. I don't hold any grudges for any one person. I forgive and let it go the best I can.

I don't live in the past, I focus on the present, but I do worry way too much about tomorrow, but I know who holds tomorrow and I know who holds my hand...

I my own worst critic and judge. Often times in my life I have a tough time with rejection and cancel out of blessings because of low esteem.

I love going to church because it makes me feel closer to God. I love to be around other Christians even if im not talking or the center of attention.

This is who I am without writing a novel. Haha! I did 'a get to know me alphabet challenge' but that didn't pan out too good. so this post is wrapping up that challenge which was quiet difficult...

Richard T Hicks😂


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