
One day the time will come when we breathe our last breath and close our eyes one last time...There is nothing we can do to stop that.  It is just one fact of life we all have to deal with.

Death is inevitable, it will happen we can be sure of that. We cannot avoid it. Someday that door will open, and we will close the door to this life we now live...

Are you ready for that "someday?"  The fact is that we are not guaranteed tomorrow. we should at all costs live each day as if it was our last day.

If you knew beyond a shadow of a doubt that tomorrow was your last day to live on this earth, how would you do things differently or would you be content with the life you have lived up until this point?  

As for me, I have always had a belief that there is a heaven and a hell.  I had a born-again experience at the age of eighteen.  

It was after a very convicting church service. I had grown up in that church and was going through all the motions; but something significant happened to me that night when I was alone.

 As I went on a nightly walk, I felt a lingering tug on my heart as scenes of my life flashed through my mind. Something in me broke and I cried out to God to save me. I said a prayer and from that moment I knew I was going to heaven someday.

That happened in 1982.  I went through my high and low times. 

If anyone has told you that being a Christian made life easier that was a lie. "Somedays" the living way can be very hard. Jesus never said we would not experience hard and difficult times. 

Man, I wish someone had told me that back in the day!! We cannot give up just because things are not as we were expecting. There have been times when I ran as fast as My feet would take me.

Maybe just maybe you are at a crossroads in your life with heaven and hell? Do you really want to go to Hell? 

Jesus will save and deliver you. He will send His Spirit to enable you to get through those hard days!

I have had my share of hard days. I am here to tell you that God still has me. I have not given up the fight.

Maybe, just maybe that "someday" I will see you there in Heaven. That will be an amazing day. 


  1. "If anyone has told you that being a Christian made life easier that was a lie. "Somedays" the living way can be very hard. Jesus never said we would not experience hard and difficult times. "
    I just heard a similar statement in my audio Bible app today--and also told someone this myself. Good and true words--thank you.

  2. For a long time I've been ailing,
    and the future ain't been bright,
    and now my heart is failing,
    but into that good night
    I surely won't go gentle,
    I'll leave wreckage behind.
    Some may call me mental,
    but I can't say I mind
    the carping that the weak might bring
    to bring me to their dank plateau,
    because the very greatest thing
    that I in life have come to know
    is to stand and laugh at death
    with that rattly final breath.

  3. it's true that following Jesus doesn't necessarily make the days easier, but I'm glad I don't have to face the hard days alone. Look forward to meeting you someday in heaven :-) Visiting from FMF#12

  4. Thank you all for your comments! I sure appreciate your kind words!


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