~New Book Release~

I have recently published my second book! My first book was published in 2018. The title of that book is "From Recovery to Freedom." The title of my second book is "Rivers of Grace." There is a vast difference in the two books. the first book is a testimony biography of my struggle with mental health issues and topics and where GOD has brought me today from my perspective. Rivers of Grace, my second book is a collection of prophetic free verse prose I felt inspired to write in my blog during my quiet times last year with God. I felt like I was supposed to make my blog posts into a book so here it is. It is meant and best to be read daily as a poem for the day and would make quiet a collective companion to your quiet times. I pray and hope that it greatly encourages and enriches your daily time with ABBA in Heaven... My friend Lana Wynn Scoggins helped me with the cover and formatting. Thank you for your hard work, and it really shows that you did a gr...