Breaking Ungodly Yokes


I know sometimes it’s easier to go the other way than the road God has for you.  It’s easy to get distracted and go down virtual rabbit holes.  I know fully well how that goes.  I have been there and got the t-shirt. That is not meant to be comical, but the truth is there have been times in my life when I abandoned the faith...

There have been times I have gone the opposite position than the way God has prepared.  My heart goes out to those Christians who one way or another abandon God and fall from His grace.  For one way or another it has become too difficult. Our flesh cannot take all the hardship.  I all too well know how that feels. It is a difficult thing to fight the flesh on our own terms. It is utterly impossible without the Stength of the Lord.

There have been times I left and turned my back to God and the church body for one reason or another.  There are some things in my life I really don’t understand all my struggles. I have allowed them to pull me away in tough seasons of my life...

God has a way of getting our attention and focus back on Him. If you are a true believer His spirit will woo you back into the fold.

 The yoke of sin can seem so inviting at times. The devil wants nothing more than to see you give up on your relationship with the triune God and follow the ways of the world.  We were never intended to fall and stay down because of sin in our life. We were never meant to pick up those heavy yokes and carry them in this life

The scripture is very specific the yoke of Jesus is easy, and his burden is light.  The yoke of Jesus is a free gift that requires a willing submission, leading to a life of surrender and trust. 

We need the anointing of GOD more than ever in this dark age.  What is the anointing you may be asking? There are so many different types of yokes but one anointing.  But only one yoke we need and that is the one that Jesus has for us...All other yokes can be broken.

A yoke is a symbol of slavery and bondage.  The anointing is the power of God through his Holy Spirit. Only the anointing of God destroys the yoke of oppression upon us.

Anointing is that which enables us to do supernatural things.  We must understand that "Christianity is a spiritual thing." Your external works will not earn us a position in heaven or on this earth. 

I believe all this ties together. Following after our carnal nature involves carrying yokes we were never intended. When we break fellowship with GOD, Satan attempts to put the yoke of sin upon us. The only way we can break free of those yokes is to have a fresh infilling of the Holy Ghost!!  That is where and how the anointing breaks those sinful yokes off of us!!  

We are Spiritual beings; we have a soul inside of our bodies. The soul is our mind, will, and emotions. These are invisible to the body and flesh. We cannot see spiritual things by the naked eye we just have a knowing about them. God is looking and searching our hearts.  We are one Spirit with Him!!

A yoke is a burden of oppression from the world coaxed by our enemy the devil.  We should cry out for God to break all yokes that has been placed on us by the world. Selfishness is just one of those yokes. Our carnal flesh reeks of selfishness and selfish desires!

I really hope this ministers to someone out there. My outreach is small, but I believe GOD does speak to you who read this.

Abba in heaven, I pray that the words here penetrate through hard hearts and let Your holy anointing break all ungodly yokes in Jesus name by the power of the Holy Spirit. Help us we pray, open our eyes and give us the spiritual understanding in His holy and matchless name, Amen!!!


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