Praying Through It!

There are many times in our lives when we need to stand firm against the schemes of the devil...Having done all 'to stand' does not mean we sit there and take his abuse.   We have all the arsenal to fight back verbally against the dark forces set against us.

Ole satan can be brutal. He can attack us in many areas...You name it, he is behind the scenes pushing all the right buttons to make us panic!!

 In my life the biggest and toughest hurdle for me to overcome is severe panic attacks that seem to come out of nowhere. I have had them for twenty plus years.  Medication just does not do the trick in my case.

They put me in the bed literally.  The only quick remedy is to take a cat nap, then my brain is jumpstarted back to normal, and I can go about my day.  But there are times that I have to grin and bear it when I am around people...

Only here lately did I realize what the deal is...I have learned through hardships to stand there and literally grit my teeth...In other words, I repress my emotions.  I never learned to verbalize what I am feeling at the time to get some relief. So, it sets me into anxiety and panic.

I just shut down mentally... the attacks always catch me off guard...and I even lose my appetite and cannot think clear enough to use my computer! My heart races and I am shaky!  

The last panic attack I had I was able to get outside and 'pray through' the panic attack. I did everything I knew to do spiritually, I quoted scripture and prayed it off and away from me!  It worked!!

So, what do I do when I get triggered by other people? I have to learn to stand up and say something and not let them run all over me.
Simple to say but difficult to put into practice!!

As believers we have the ability to pray through whatever besets us and see deliverance.  We have the ability to flip that switch.

No matter what it is for you today, I encourage you to take whatever is troubling you to God and use your holy armor to defeat the spirit of darkness that would keep you in the dark.  When you pray yourself 'through' a situation your giving God the control to walk you through whatever life circumstances, and HE will be there as you take His hand...Jesus may not take you out, but he will walk with you through whatever you are dealing with today.

Thank you, Jesus, help us to gird up our armor, help us to stay suited up in your holy apparel and help me to get through our days not gritting our teeth but throwing verbal punches back at the devil today and every day in His holy name, Amen!!


  1. When I was younger I used to have very bad panic attacks, so I can relate to that. I don't have them anymore, but your statement about "Ole satan can be brutal. He can attack us in many areas...You name it, he is behind the scenes pushing all the right buttons" still stands true, Spiritual warfare is very real.

  2. Thank you so much for sharing this Richard.
    People can be tricky and triggering.
    I am learning to have a rant at God - to tell him what hurts, then work out what my feelings are and to ask him what I need to say and do next. Sometimes I need to address a person who has wounded, always I need to express the pain and forgive.


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