What is Your Choice?

My choice is you, God, first and only.
    And now I find I’m your choice!

Psalms 16:5 MSG

We make "choices" every day.  A choice is defined as a conscious decision to choose freely between good and evil ultimately. God has given us a free choice to serve Him or serve the devil. There is no gray area or middle ground. We are either standing on the side of good or the side of evil right now and you pretty much know where you stand unless you are in big denial...

 Every day we are faced with this in every situation that we find ourselves in during the day. There is always a plan A or plan B. there is no way past it. we should not make quick decisions but put plenty of thought and time into what we know we are supposed to do...

God did choose us before the foundations of the world. You are not a mistake or happenchance.  There is no such thing as luck...When you were born, you were on God's heart. He chose you to be on this earth during this time.  God doesn't make mistakes. He desires all to come to a saving knowledge of His grace and choose to open the door of your heart to Jesus!!

Jesus died on the cross to save, deliver and heal our hearts.  Adam and Eve made a decision to disobey God. We have all suffered from that fatal choice. Now because of Jesus we can make the decision to make our lives right by making the choice to let Him come into our lives!

You see He ordained your day today to read this post. It is no mistake you are reading this. He knows every word you are going to say, and He wants you to make a choice to choose him first right now and continue to put him first in every decision you make.

Whatever you are going through or facing right now you have a choice to make.  You will not regret making Jesus Your Savior and Lord...



  1. This is really good, Richard.
    As an aside, somewhere I read that there is no doorknob/handle on the outside of the door to your heart. The door has to be opened from the inside. It may have had something to do with that famous painting of Him knocking on a door with no handle. Have you seen it?

    1. This comment has been removed by the author.

    2. Thank you for your encouragement. I never knew that about that painting...I bet it's on google. will have to look it up! Thanks for that interesting tidbit.

  2. What a wonderful article Richard. I'm blessed by your insights and encouragement within.
    Visiting today from FMF#2


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