HE See My Heart

People look at the outward appearance, but the Lord looks at the heart...

I Samuel 16:7

I am pretty introverted and quiet in person all my life. Writing has always been my passion and an outlet for me. I do not know why I'm like this, but it is what it is. I am sixty years old and unless the good Lord changes my personality, I don't see me changing. A lot of people have judged me in the past because of my outward disposition. 

But something really transpires when I write, my mind dislodges all these words, and I am filled and can relate better with my writing.  I am a much different person on the outside, I am reserved and shy and frankly I do not have much to say. I don't have a happy go lucky personality by far. I am not a people person and very introverted.

I just cannot see this as a bad thing. God made me this way for a reason. My giftings are just different...If I see myself through everyone else's lenses, I will never measure up. I have to see myself as God sees me from His perspective.

"We have different gifts, according to the grace given to each of us."  Romans 12:6

I do not know why I am like this. Again, it is what it is. I am very reserved and solemn in person. My heart is deeply rooted and hidden in Christ literally. That is what I really and truly believe.

Maybe you cannot tell from my outward appearance, but I love Jesus very much. He has brought me through many trials and sufferings.  I am at peace and assurance of my salvation and know one day I will be with Jesus in heaven. I am pretty confident and strong in that faith.

I know God sees and knows my heart more than anyone else.  I really believe I have been hidden with Christ. I am sure there are other writers like this. When Jesus is revealed then I will be revealed I believe with all my heart.  


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