Let's get Specific

This week's word to write about for five minutes is specific.

Does God have specific thoughts of us? I really believe He does according to this scripture.  We are probably on his mind more than we realize... The scriptures also say that His thoughts of us outnumber the grains of sand in Psalms 139.  

HE is GOD and I am sure HE spends a great deal of time with us on his mind. I don't think he wastes his time thinking about us. He has high hopes and plans for us.  I do not think he sits around worrying about us though.

I am a worrier at times so I know how my thoughts can be. I don't think GOD thinks that way about us.  GOD is also working behind the scenes on our behalf. Alot of times when we worry, we are consumed thinking of worst-case scenarios...He has thoughts of peace and love and hope about us and to give us a hope and a future. He is not a gloom and doom GOD.   He is a good Abba.

We don't know what He specifically thinks of each one of us. But what I can tell you He doesn't think bad thoughts of us...What I do know if he loves us very much and maybe someone needed to hear that today.  He loves us so much He sent his son to die in our place...


  1. my thoughts followed a similar trail. I'm glad He doesn't worry about us - because the truth is that he is in control.

    1. That is really good to know....I have been experiencing some writers block the last several weeks. I usually have more to say...Amen that HE is always in control.


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