Like Deer's Feet

 The Lord God is my strength.

He will make my feet like deer’s feet,

And He will make me walk on my high hills.

Habakkuk 3:19

Hello and welcome to my blog. Today's Five Minute Friday word is "make."

There are times in this journey called life, when I cannot seem to take one more step. During these times I tend to stop and pull away and isolate instead of moving ahead. 

Life can be really difficult at times, and our feet don't seem steady.   

The road ahead of us may not be paved or on golden pathways. It may be an uphill walk with lots or rocks and crags in the way. It may be a tough terrain and we will not be able to make it in our own efforts.  That is more than likely the place where you are right now as you are reading this.  You have fell away because it seems that you are not in the right place...

A lot of those times we may not think we are in God's will.  We may question where actually God is taking us in this life.   Are we up for the task to walk on those high hills?  We have to have good footing to reach the place where God is desiring to take us to.  

But take hope my friends, God has you just where He wants you.  Jesus took a similar walk up that hill to the Cross of Calvary. Those last days were not easy for him.  It will not be easy for us either.

Just like the deer, God will make us walk on the high places where we couldn't normally walk. Amen...He will make our feet like the feet of the deer. He will give us the strength to go through those times when it doesn't seem as if we are in God's will...

Just take His hand and let him lead you to those mountain heights...He will not fail you not forsake you if you reach for him.


  1. The Lord enables us to walk in every place that He calls us to go.


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