Time to Rewind

Life is a lot like working a huge million-piece puzzle!  Jesus is the missing piece of this puzzle called life...You can try many things to attempt to fill that missing piece, but He is the only person that was meant to fit perfectly.

Sadly, we try to fit many different things into that mold: Alcohol, drugs, and fornication to name a select few sins. It is very saddening in this day and age...addictions are at an all-time high.

A staggering 46.8 million Americans battle substance abuse in the past year in 2022. I am just curious to know how many of these Americans call or profess to be Christians? On google it refers to substance use disorder...I just don't think so! 

It is very apparent in this day and age that we are a "sin-sick society of people," thus trying to fit anything into that place other than Jesus. We are attempting to worship sin, and that is why we are sin sick. Anything we put before GOD is an idol...and I hate to tell you this, but there is no pill to remove the sin in your life!!

He wants your heart so badly; He wants to live and move and breathe into you to bring salvation to a lost and dying world. I really think we need to rewind here. 

Jesus Christ is the only perfect thing we should be worshipping and putting him in first place. He will never leave or make us unsatisfied or let us down if we seek Him with our whole hearts. Do you trust Him to do that? I really hope so.

Every day we should give our hearts to Jesus' by spending quality time with Him, and He will lead us and guide us into all truth!!  You can spend your whole life looking for other vices to fit that empty place inside of you, but until you experience the power and presence of Jesus Christ, you will NEVER find that nothing else truly satisfies!

If you just happen to be a Christian, just maybe this is your wakeup call and reminder to rewind and seek His face of Jesus, He will never fail you nor forsake if you seek Him with Your whole heart.

Jesus, we give our hearts to you right now. Forgive us of our many sins and we open the door of our heart for you to move into our lives so that YOU can fit that missing place inside of us!


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