Are You Trusting GOD?

Though he slays me, Yet I will trust in him. 

Job 13:15 

God is not out in the distant cosmos with a magic wand waving it around. HE is not distant nor a harsh ruler.  We are not HIS slaves. He gave each of us a free will to choose or reject Jesus.  HE would never abuse us...but he disciplines us as a loving and caring and nurturing parent.  HE would never just punish us for no reason. His ways are perfect, and to make us holy as HE is.

We may not understand his sovereignty in tough circumstances and seasons.  I know how you my own selfish cognitive reasoning I don't understand and maybe you are thinking this way as well.  Why would GOD let certain things happen? I am sure your mind goes to certain scenarios in your life that boggle your mind, like the issues we face daily. Some silent issues as well...Some we never tell.

Well GOD sees and knows all about us.  HE has a reason and purpose for you whatever it is you are having to deal with. Those dark things that we never mention for fear of rejection, HE sees them all and HE would never reject us as his children.

At some point we have to trust HIM like the scriptures say.  Why is that so difficult for us to grasp that concept.   You see we either trust HIM or we do not. what will it take before you give HIM your life? No matter what it can put all your assurance on JESUS and rely upon HIS WORD...I just looked up the definition of trust. It means putting a firm belief in the reliability, truth, and ability or strength of someone or something.

I would like to challenge you to think outside of the box and really lean on GOD and trust in HIS WORD. That is what HE made us for, He wants a people who trust him, in whatever HE has for us to accomplish in this life...It may mean coming out of your comfort zone.  Would that be such a bad thing? It may be as simple as saying a simple prayer.

IF you're going to put GOD in a box, you are restricting HIM to really move on you and the leading of HIS HOLY SPIRIT. Do not limit Jesus. Let's not hinder the flow of the Spirit that is holy, righteous and true.

Wow I cannot believe I said all this, I have been in a writing slump for the last two weeks. I trusted him to speak, and HE surely did! and I hope and pray HE speaks to you in my blog the way HE speaks to me!

Abba in Heaven, we put YOU on the throne of our hearts. We step down and allow YOUR Spirit to prevail in us. Fill us full.  Let us commune with you through this writing. Hold us close to YOUR heart. Let your heart become ours.  We put down all selfish thinking and we allow Your thoughts to become our in the holy name of Jesus Christ. AMEN!


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