Jesus will be with you in the highest and lowest of times. Even on those dark and dreary days when everything around us fails completely. During those trying times does it seem like he could not possibly be there for you?  

My friends, He is still working things together for you behind the scenes to bring you into the glorious riches of His awesome grace. 

He is seeking to work powerfully within you if you allow Him to!!  You have to walk by faith even when you do not see things working in your favor. For He is the God of all grace... 

That is not always so easy; to see things working through His eyes of faith.  You have to "faith it until you make it," and not allow satan to rob you of the joy of God's presence.

We have to allow Jesus to take the lead and lean on Him one hundred percent...all other ground is sinking sand.  We won't be able to stand without leaning on someone or something. Give Jesus a try, he will never fail you nor will be abandon you!

Jesus is and should be our strength. We were not made to stand alone. You can depend on and put all your trust in Him.  

We need to pray for a revelation of how strong Jesus really is. That is what I pray for you today... 

He is not some mousey little stone idol! He is a whole lot stronger than we think at times. Jesus is not some weak and puny and frail god. He is so meek and mightily stronger than any other thing we know of on this earth. Yes, He is even stronger than Death that HE defeated in the grave!!! Stronger than any demonic entity that we could encounter!!! Jesus is the King of Kings and Lord of all creation!!!

He is working things out for those who love him and are called according to His purpose.  He has not forgotten you and is right there with you even now...putting situations and putting things into place just for you. Yes, even when it does not seem like life is going your way.

So, do not give up so easy.  You can hold onto and depend on Jesus with all of your heart.  He is the royal champion plus king of our souls. He is a force not to be reckoned with...If He is on your side who can really and truly be against you? Do you not see how great he really and truly is?

Abba, help us to Take the blinders off and run the race You have prepared for us in Jesus Christ... He is way stronger than any dark force or principality!!!


  1. Thanks for this encouraging post. It was just what I needed. God's timing is so perfect.

    1. This is great to hear. I hope you are doing well. AMEN!


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