Waiting is the Hardest Part

Wait for the Lordbe strong and take heart and wait for the Lord.

Psalms 27:14

Sometimes God puts us in a waiting season.  He is still there, but it almost seems "our answer" is on hold...We are not sure why but all we can do is hold onto Jesus during this time the best we can.

We have to believe that He is working behind the scenes on our behalf.  He really is moving situations and circumstances, even when it seems that our life is on hold on the outside in the natural.  We have to dig a little deeper during these times of waiting upon GOD. Jesus does have the best intentions for us even when it seems we are in a tough season, some things dont come around so easy!  There is always a testimony after any test. Give Jesus the glory when He provides your answer.

Jesus holds us in the stillness of that waiting. He wants us to be patient, and not run ahead of Him...We don't need to pull away during this time and forge ahead without Him leading and guiding our path. He has his reasons; we just have to trust His plan and pray for His will to be done in our lives.

I want to encourage you during this time to be strong and take heart.  Do not allow discouragement to set in because you are in a season of waiting. God hears you and sees where you are at this very minute. He may be saying to you, "Wait on Me... just watch me do that good work as you yield to My plans for you."

Personally, I am in a season of waiting upon God to move for almost 2 years.  Have I at times wanted to move ahead? Why yes, Of course I have...I do know his timing is perfect and our time is fleeting. I have learned to trust Him even when it seems difficult to do that. 

There is something very spiritual in waiting for GOD to move. We are giving him room to rearrange the situation so that He can put his stamp of approval on it. Even though it may seem like your plans are being delayed.  When we "wait on Jesus"

You know Jesus is always on time. He never delays but he does make us wait at times...  God sent Him to this earth to live as a human when the time was just right. Do not think that your miracle will not come!  that vision may hasten toward its goal but it will be there just at the right timeframe.

God is wanting to teach you to patiently wait on Him.  HE teaches us deep truths as we learn to lean completely upon Him...Our faith will be tested, and our hope will be restored in his timeframe.

what are you waiting for? A house, a job or a mate or a car? God sees it and He will provide at the right time! Do not lose hope.  It may take a great level of trusting and leaning on Jesus more than you ever have. He knows everything and knows what you need...

Sometimes the answer is not yes, or even no. It is to just wait on Him. He knows what He is doing, He doesn't let us know that.  We have to stand on his word and believe that His goodness will come forth in due time with all of our hearts!

Dear Jesus, help me during this time of waiting, help me to lean completely upon You. Help me to hear your voice and know when that time is over help me to give you the glory of the miracle you have for me.  Thank you for that vision, help me to wait upon it in Your holy and matchless name, Amen.


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