Nothing Else...

Godliness with contentment is great gain. For we brought nothing into the world, and we can take nothing out of it...

1 Timothy 6:6-7

God wants us to be at peace with Him and depend on His Word more than anything else. 'Nothing else' in this life will fill us and bring that true satisfaction deep inside us. Nothing else can fill that void inside of us. Only a true and living relationship with Jesus will we find the truth of deep contentment within our lives...

Nothing else should matter but giving Him sole ownership of our souls.  That is the only key to finding that abundant contented life!!  Jesus came to this earth so that we could have a satisfied life and nothing else should compare to His filling our hearts...

Contentment is defined as a state of being in which one is satisfied with their current life situation, and the state of affairs in one's life as they presently are.

We should not want our independence so much if it means we are shutting Jesus out of our hearts. Are not we all trying to find independence from one thing or another? We have to put our whole dependence and lean totally on GOD!

We should not find our fulfillment in material possessions.  These things were never meant to fill the void inside us or bring true satisfaction!!

Some of us have went from job to job; and I hate to even say this but marriage to marriage, and even from church to church.  Ouch, Ouch and Ouchhh! 'I know' how truly well that some of those things are tough pills to swallow!! Why do we find discontent in these supposedly good things? Nothing else can fill us to fulfillment and peace and joy and love... It is because those things should never become idols in our lives in the first place.  They were never meant to fill a void in which goes to Jesus!

What are we truly looking for in this life?!? Once the new 'wears off' we want to throw those important life things away and get new ones! Just because we lose our satisfaction in them.

I am here to tell you there is no perfect church, job or marriage.  WE are all flawed. We all sin and fall short. We should seek after godliness and contentment in Jesus Christ!

Have you ever been 'stripped' of something you once held onto? Maybe GOD is putting you through a season of pruning to show you where your contentment lies. Pruning is not an easy process to go through.  

You can put all your faith and trust in Jesus. He is our great King and shepherd of our souls. That is where you find the contentment you seek!

Dear Jesus please come and take the veil off of our eyes. Help us to see you in all Your glory living in our hearts makes us content, no matter where we are at or what we are doing or what we have... AMEN!


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