Unexpected Testimony

A True shepherd of his flock will go looking for those who have wondered away from the fold....and will bring him back in his arms.  

 Jesus is the truest shepherd I know...

The pastor of the true church of GOD should "shepherd" his congregation who are the sheep.  Why are not more pastors checking on those who walk away from the church?

Recently i was talking to a friend who has left his church....He has been going through a tough time but just now getting back on his spiritual feet.  He texted the pastors of that church with no response from any of the church leadership!!

Folks, I just do NOT think that is the right approach, no matter how bad or bruised that person is or was at the time they left....Pastors and churches will be held accountable.

I have been going to churches up here in Heber Springs Arkansas for almost two years. My brother has no problem going out of his way taking me to church, but you would think the people in the church were going to lose a arm and leg to give me a ride to church!

I asked one pastor on 3 different occasions and the van never showed up!! MY house is not that hard to find!

Now I have been going to a church where the pastors take turns coming to get me for church!!!  To me that is a TRUE Shepherd!!!   It is like Jesus himself is using these men to literally carry me to church! Praise GOD...I have finally found the place where I will be going to church.

Now if i can only find me a vehicle.... I feel like it's right around the corner.... In the meantime, the true shepherd is doing his job of making sure I am at church!


Todays Five Minute Friday word is "Unexpected."


  1. Glad that you found a church that is doing the LORDS work, that is serving the people.

    1. Amen. God is faithful when others are not. He is a true shepherd of our souls!!!

  2. Personal testimonies are always the best. Praise to God. #17


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