Spiritual Mantles: Part 2

I wrote a post several weeks ago on our Spiritual Mantles. I would encourage you to read part 1 of that post:


I believe that the Holy Spirit just revealed to me about my own mantle....That spiritual covering I have experienced in His Presence is the grace of GOD. 

I have read a lot of readings about our spiritual mantles and that we carry on the mantles of our spiritual mentors. I have looked to GOD my Father through His Holy Spirit. I have not really had a mentor in the faith. Yet the Holy Spirit has been my teacher...rightly so...the way it should be!!!

I do believe I have been called to be a prophet of His grace by proclaiming the grace of God through my writings right now and who knows the future work of the call that He may have me to do. I humbly submit to GOD and allow His Holy Spirit to give me the words to write for the glory of Jesus Christ!! 

What about you? Have you felt the unction of your function in the body of Christ?  Have you felt the literal cloak or mantle being put upon you?  There are a lot of Christian teachings on the internet. I pray you be wise as a serpent and innocent as a dove as you glean what ministry GOD has called you into In Jesus name!!!

This is also a very good site that has very good writings on spiritual mantles. I hope you spend this time in seeking out your own mantle!!!



  1. Oh Richard, When we first met 7 years ago I really saw purpose in my life. Now, and for the last severeral years actually I feel "mantle less" (if there is such a word); my physical body is so weak that I don't see how I can be any good to anybody except for to pray for them and on some days it is all I can do to do that.
    I do have a special friend in Oregon who lives in the assisted living facility where I used to live. She calls me her best friend and I have felt led to send her gifts (she loves to read) so I have mainly sent her Christian novels from Christian Book Distributors by this one author whom she has grown to love but this last month I sent her peanut butter and chocolate layered fudge for she loves sweets and it is her Birthday month.
    I don't really think I have a mantle unless it would be that of an intercessor however, that might have passed me by some years ago as my body and mind just became too weary.
    I also like to be there for Matt but know that I fail in thatt area in so many ways.
    I am so thankful for your sharing your writings concrening your relationship with God the Father; our Lord Jesus Christ along with the personalization of the Holy Spirit as He has worked in your life.
    I am wondering if everyone in the Bible and every Christian now has a mantle or if it is just for those who have the gift of prophecy. I used to think I had that gift. I did (many years ago now) receive two prophecies (individual words) that I felt were from God however it was also at a time when my medicataion was lowered so I do not know if it was Mania or the Lord.
    Matt and I have found out that we both have to be very careful of calling something "as from the Lord" when it might just be our own chemical imbalances.
    I will say that God knows our hearts and uses All for good.
    Please pray for my stamina -- I would so appreciate that.
    Blessings of our Father in heaven always Richard, Lish

    1. Dear Lisha, i think its a process for all of us. I think the flesh gets in the way of God's anointing flow. But in His Spirit grace flows freely. I do believe in different seasons different gifts manifests. Just like with your friend in Oregon or when your prayer ascend to God's throne...God works behind the scenes on what we pray. I believe His moves tend to manifests through the prayers we pray. I read that in the new Testament the Holy Spirit can be that mantle upon us comforting and assuring us that HE is there for us. I Pray that our Father in Heaven speaks to you through His Holy Spirit, and that HE breathes heavenly oxygen into your body. I speak clarity to your mind and healing to your body in Jesus most Holy name!!! Don't give up, you may not see GOD moving but he is working things out for the good through your heartfelt prayers and giving of gifts. and don't forget the greatest gift we all can give is our friendship. Love you my dear sister and friend.


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