A-Z Writing Challenge -Wait-

 Hey good people!! Today is W day and the word for this day is wait. The word is defined as hopeful anticipation.

When we wait we are in essence holding on to a desired ending. Good things come to those who wait. We can sometimes get ahead of those good things. We plummet forward instead of waiting…that is all a part of that expected good ending.   We can hurry things up in this life. Waiting is all part of the grand design. Being inpatient and plunging forward could be costly.

So what does it mean to truly wait upon the Lord?? I pray that He grants us patience to wait upon HIm. That is what it is going to take to wait. “Teach us Lord to wait upon You!”  Patience takes practicing His Presence in the Holy Spirit. He gives power to those who wait upon Him, exchanging their strength for His! So what does it mean to practice His Presence?

I believe we can daily go before the throne of God.  By what Jesus did on the Cross of Calvary, He made a way through the veil into the holy of holies!!! Only by the blood of the Lamb are we given access into that holy place into God’s very presence. There is where we receive strength for our weakness…patience for our impatience.

We will mount up just like an eagle and soar across the sky…We will run and not and not grow weary and walk and not faint. 

Oh Lord teach us to wait upon you. We pray that we will not go ahead of your plans. We submit to your plan for our lives. For our plans will surely be foiled.  


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