Humble Prayers


When we truly come to Jesus in prayer, there is no room for pride. The scriptures say to humble ourselves in the sight of the Lord and He will lift us up. 

True humility is the only way through the veil. To come before Abba through Jesus we must lay down our lives.  Self centered prayers will only bounce off the walls of our hearts.  

Ultimately we need to get our eyes off our self and focus on bringing others. 

  God sees our needs and will meet them when you least expect a answer. 

Abba desires us to speak forth to the hurting, the bruised and broken.  

Bring those into the veil right into the Holy place where Abba is longing to meet you there

 Seek Abba first by submitting to Jesus through the Holy Spirit.  

Pass through the veil of the flesh and put others needs before your own.  

Behold ABBA’s eyes are on the sparrows.  What makes you think he has forgotten you.  Through it seems he tarries, wait upon Him and do not get caught up in self!!!

Abba desires to open the floodgates of heaven on your behalf and rain upon your life. Let it rain upon those reading this now.  

Being selfish is a sin before God.  God does not bless self-centered people. Sadly many of us are like that!!   

Abba deliver us from being consumed with only ourselves.  Help us refocus on praying for those that need Your touch.  Those are the prayers you truly hear.  



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