What Matters the Most

There are three things that really matters to the Lord in the above scripture. What does it mean? Well to me it means what the Lord really wants us to do for him. We cannot work our way into righteousness by doing good works!! We cannot sacrifice others for our own sin! You see Jesus has not called us to one calling, there are various callings upon our lives, and different gifts of the Spirit in different seasons of our life . What matters the most? What has GOD called you to do? What does He require of You?? 1. Act Justly is the "quality" to be fair and impartial, or to behave in a way that is morally right. 2. Love mercy is the "quality" of showing empathy to other people in our lives or who we come in contact within a day's time. 3. Walk Humbly is the quality of walking in a contrite spirit, and not in pride. In whatever the day holds for us, if we walk in these three things...they matter the most. Not in having a great worldwide ministry or huge life ca...