Day 8 A-Z Writitng Challenge

Good morning good folks blessed of GOD. I pray you have a grand and joyous day! Today is day 8 of the A-Z Writing Challenge and the Word for the day is idols. The term idol is defined as worship of anything created that gets more glory than GOD in heaven. Anything that substitutes for God in your body and soul. You see we are creations of GOD. We should serve and worship Him above all else. but in human frailty we turn to tangible things other than GOD. Just like when Moses went up on Mt Sinai to receive the ten commandments, Jesus went up to heaven. Weak humans as we all are, turn to idols to meet our needs with something we can see. See, one day when we least expect Jesus will return to take His bride and what will we be doing? More than likely we will be worship earthly idols. The scriptures gives us many warnings. Here is just a few: Little Children guard yourself from Idols. 1 John 5:21 Flee from idolatry 1 Corinthians 10:14 Turn from idols to serve a living ...